The impact of school environment on teaching and learning was carried out in Niger College Junior Secondary School II. In this work attention was be paid to the surrounding in which children learn. This can greatly influenced their academic performance and well being in school. the second phase of the work deals with the previous writers views and comment, in the architecture layout décor and facilitates of their school all play a vital role in shaping the learning environment, yet the importance of this particular aspect of school life can often be over look. Questionnaires were used to carry out the study headmaster, headmistress, teachers, students were used to gather the relevant data which revealed the impart of the school environment on teaching and learning process.
This study examined career prospect of confidential secretary in a public establishment.
Background of the Study
Digital banking services have revolutionized the financial services sector, enabling customers to perform banking...
Marketing information is often obtained from outside the organization management perceives the op...
Any country’s economic score sheet is influenced by the events within and from abroad. The reality of globalization has co...
Background of the Study
Women empowerment is essential for achieving gender equality, reducing poverty, and fostering susta...
It is a known fact that the Nigerian construction industry continues to occupy an important posi...
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Urbanization is a global phenomenon that o...
Background of the Study
Hemorrhagic stroke, resulting from the rupture of blood vessels in the brain, is a life-threaten...
Background of the Study
The advent of financial technology (fintech) has revolutionized the way financi...
Background of the study
Digital media, often known as new media, is the 'lovebird' of to...